The History and Epistemology of Econometrics
univie: summer school – Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC) 2025
Kevin Hoover | Jennifer Jhun
Guest Lecturer:
Marcel Boumans
University of Vienna
July 7-11, 2025
Application Deadline: February 15, 2025
We are currently in the process of viewing the applications. Applicants will hear back until the end of March latest.
(c) Universität Wien/Georg Herder | University of Vienna, New Institute Building
Since 2001, the University of Vienna and the Institute Vienna Circle hold an annual summer program dedicated to major current issues in the natural and the social sciences, their history and philosophy: univie: summer school – Scientific World Conceptions (USS-SWC). The title of the program reflects the heritage of the Vienna Circle which promoted interdisciplinary and philosophical investigations based on solid disciplinary knowledge.
As an international interdisciplinary program, USS-SWC brings graduate students in close contact with world-renowned scholars. It operates under the academic supervision of an International Program Committee of distinguished philosophers, historians, and scientists. The program is directed primarily to graduate students and junior researchers in fields related to the annual topic, but the organizers also encourage applications from people in all stages of their career who wish to broaden their horizon through cross-disciplinary studies of methodological and foundational issues in science.
Find more information about the application here.